Our Vision

While the Sheikhdom of Sijjada Bakria beholds its sons out of this blessed window, seeking to complete its historical role as the historical umbrella of the offspring of Abu Bakr (RA), taking into account the heritage and history of the ancestry of the Imam of religious people and Caliph of Muslims, maintaining the pledge and keeping its promise, it aims at:

Promotion of the greeting of peace "As- Salamu 'Alaikum", strengthening the ties of kinship, highlighting the history, pedigrees, exploits, and heritage of one of the greatest homes of Islam; the home of the time-honored Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him), maintaining the lineages of his progeny, and gathering them all with the difference of their countries and languages under their gathering umbrella: the Sijjada of their predecessors; the household of Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with them).

  • Organization
  • Decrees

The Sheikhdom of Sijjada Bakria is a legal Egyptian organization stipulated in the law No. 118 of 1976 A.D. relevant to the Sheikhdom of Sufi orders. Here, there are three Sijjadas in Egypt: the Siddiqi Sijjada Bakria (for the progeny of Abu Bakr), Sijjada 'Ananiah 'Umriah (for the progeny of Omar Ibn Al Khattab), Sijjada Wafa'iah (for the Wafa'ei Idrisi Husseini people).

The history of the creation of Sijjada Bakria is dated back to nearly 500 years. The Sijjada is subdivided into two sections: Sufi (Bakria Siddiqi order), and a general secretariat (committee of diverse lineages and others).

English Translation coming within a few days