AbuBakr Lineages


Here you can find the biographies of those who are among the most prominent men and women from the lineage of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (RA) in the many time periods and places they spread to and lived in. They have been arranged according to the centuries they lived in based on the Islamic calendar.

This section as with most sections in this site is organic and continues to grow according to the speed at which the material can be translated and checked by our experts for accuracy.

Al-Sayyida Al-Dhaouia

Al-Sayyida Al-Dhaouia (1): Al-Sayyida Al-Dhaouia Bint Muhammad Bin Al-Shalali Bin Al-Zuruq Bin Abdullah Bin Al-Arabi Bin Bu Samaha Bin Abdul-Qadir Bin Esa Bin Abdul-Qadir Bin Muhammad Bin Sulaiman Bin Abi Samaha Al-Bushaikhia was from the tribe of Quraysh and a descendant of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq.

She was born in the town of Bidu and then left her siblings for Béni Ounif in Northwest Africa when their father divorced their mother. She married and divorced after giving birth to a girl, becoming strongly attached to Allah after that. Her grandmother Halima, who was also deeply religious, was buried in Sidi Moumen, while her parents were buried in Béni Ounif.

Al-Sayyida Al-Dhaouia had always been attracted to the gatherings of the righteous, especially those found in the zawaya of Sheikh Sidi Sulaiman Bin Abi Samaha, and devoted herself to dhikr (remembrance of Allah) and fasting. She was known as a mukashifa (one with special knowledge of the unseen) whose prayers were answered. She helped many people. Although charity was given to her, she did not use any of it for herself. She died in the month of Dhul Hijjah, on the Day of Arafat, in the year 1425 AH (January 19, 2005 AD) and was buried next to her mother.

Source: Kitab Al-Sulala Al-Bakria As-Siddiqia – Part II, by Ahmed Farghal Al-De’abassi Al-Bakri

Date of Publication

1 Ramadan 1438 AH / May 26, 2017 AD

(1) Mu’jam Al-‘Alam Al-Bakrieen Al-Siddiqieen, by Tawahiriyah Abdullah, pg. 215